Restore point-in-time backup for Azure SQL database

If you are doing manual updates directly to your Episerver database, or performing an upgrade that updates the database schema it could be a good idea to have a backup from the exact time right before the change is made. In Azure, you always have!

Azure SQL

Episerver Scheduled jobs - Make it fail!

If you write code that is likely to fail, it is good practice to wrap that section of code in a try-catch-clause and handle the exception. For scheduled jobs, it's the opposite! If something fails, be sure to throw that exception!

Scheduled jobs SQL

Identify your Episerver content!

You can have multiple pages with the same name, you can even have a block and an image with the same name. When we are communicating about content, the name is not always the best.


Flytt hjem: Azureressurser i Norway East

For noen måneder siden var det ikke fritt frem for å opprette SQL-databaser i Azure-regionen Norway East - men nå er det! Jeg viser hvordan man kan flytte en Azure SQL-database på tvers av regioner.

Azure SQL