Do you feel like you're dying a little bit every time you need to click "Options" and then "View on Website"? Do you also miss the old "Globe" in Optimizely CMS? Your prayers have been heard: a NuGet package is available, and the Globe is back!
The menus in Optimizely CMS can be extended using a MenuProvider, and using the path parameter you decide what menu you want to add additional menu items to.
The famous image anonymization add-on for Optimizely CMS, with at least 5 downloads, is now finally available for use on Linux. Supports simultaneous anonymization of unlimited(?) numbers of faces. Perfect for data storage in the EU, where GDPR imposes strict restrictions on the use of personal information.
I've worked with Optimizely CMS for 14 years, and there are two things I'm obsessed with: Link validation and the globe that keeps disappearing on me! Now, the globe is back again!
You may use this addon to generate alt text for your images automatically, which enhances accessibility, SEO, and assists content creators. The addon may also generate other types of relevant meta data.
Rapportsenteret har vært en del av Optimizely CMS siden det dukket opp for første gang i versjon 5R2 i 2008, men nå – i nyeste versjon er det borte! Fortvil ikke! Lag ditt eget!
Den siste tiden har det vært mye fokus på personvern. Google Analytics er muligens ulovlig, cookies bør ikke brukes uten samtykke, og ting som GDPR og Schrems II har nærmest blitt en del av dagligtalen. Man bør generelt være varsom i sin omgang med personopplysninger!
Optimizely Content Manager is a lightweight editing UI that aims to make publishing content easier, as it takes away some of the complexity. I like the idea, but here are still some major issues!
No! Optimizely Content Manager is a lightweight editing UI that aims to make publishing content easier, as it takes away some of the complexity. I like the idea, but here are two main issues left before Content Manager could be used in a production environment.
I enjoy poking around in the Episerver database, so I made an addon to make it easier! Enjoy autocomplete, save your favorite queries for later - but be careful!
Det er ofte snakk om ny teknologi, men man kan også finne løsninger ved å se langt, langt tilbake i historien. Til og med hakkespettboken skrevet for over 2000 år kan løse dagens sikkerhetsutfordringer!
Reading the documentation, Episerver Social Reach sounds like a nice tool, being able to post to multiple social media from the same user interface. I'm sorry, but Episerver Social Reach is dead!
With the introduction of the GDPR storing personal information is not something that should be taken lightly. Using Azure Cognitive Services it is possible to identify what's in the images that editors, or users, upload to your site. You may then choose to take action, based on the identified content and your policy.
Have you ever published a meaningless change to a Episerver page, just to make sure the Find index is up to date? Have you struggled with the Find UI to figure out what’s indexed for the page you just had opened in edit mode? One simple addon solves both problems!
In the latest update of the Episerver UI, a handy shortcut (the globe) was removed from the toolbar. Using dojo and javascript, I created a module that puts the globe back!