Unable to view Optimizely Forms submissions when some values are too long
I discovered a form where the form submissions could not be viewed in the Optimizely UI, only downloaded. Learn how to fix the issue.
I discovered a form where the form submissions could not be viewed in the Optimizely UI, only downloaded. Learn how to fix the issue.
You may adjust the log levels for your site in Optimizely DXP yourself, but only for the Integration environment. Follow this step-by-step guide.
Det er enklere enn noen gang å importere database og filer til Optimizely DXP-integrasjonsmiljøet uten å involvere support.
SendGrid is a services for sending email that is included in Optimizely DXP. Previously smtp.episerver.net was the recommended SMTP server to use, but then it stopped working!
In Optimizely DXP, you can't access the live production environment directly. However, you can still download the database and blobs!
When deploying your site to Episerver DXP, there are so many options. Some are quite fast, some are super slow. I show how to deploy to the Integration environment the fast way, using Azure DevOps.
When deploying your site to Episerver DXP, there are so many options. I show how to deploy using Azure DevOps, the deployment API, and Epinova's DXP deployment extension.